


Android 84(HRS)

  •  Android Course TopicsPrerequisites:

    Background in java is Preferred.   

    Java level (1)

    1- Introducing the Java programming (Compiler and JVM, Installation of assisted software tools)

    2- Introducing the Java Language (Java File (Class), Java Hello World Application, Java Operators, Project Structure, Strings, Casting)

    3- Working with Primitive Variables and Data Types

    4- Working with Objects

    5- Using operators and decision constructs (Arithmetic operators, Comparison operators, Logical operators)

    6- Creating and Using Arrays

    7- Using Control and Loop Constructs (Conditional statements (IF – Switch), Loops (For -While- Do While), nested loops, For Each)

    8- Working with Methods (Overloading, Overriding)

    9- Using Encapsulation and Constructors (Setters and Getters)

    10- Introducing Advanced Object-Oriented Concepts (Classes, Objects)

    11- Handling Errors

    Java level (2)

    1- Java Platform Overview

    2- Java Syntax and Class Review

    3- Encapsulation and Polymorphism (data hiding)

    4- Java Class Design

    5- Advanced Class Design

    6- Inheritance with Java Interfaces (Abstraction (Abstract – Interface))

    7- Generics and Collections (Sets, Lists, Maps, Generics Class and Method )

    8- String and String Builder processing

    9- Handling Exceptions

    10- File I/O Fundamentals

    11- Multithreading

    12- Modifiers and Access Modifiers

    13- Nested classes and anonymous objects


    14- Swing and GUI handling


    Android level (1)


    Chapter 1: Revision on important on Java Basics

    1. Introduction to java basics


    1. Discovering Classes and Objects


    1. Understanding Encapsulation


    1. Understanding Inheritance


    1. Understanding Polymorphism


    1. Understanding Abstraction


    Chapter 2: Introduction to Android

    1. What Is Android


    1. Android Versions


    1. Features of Android


    1. Why do you study Android


    1. Android Devices in the Market


    1. The Android Market


    Chapter 3: Android Development Tools


    1. Android Studio


    1. Android SDK


    1. Min and Target SDK


    1. AVD and Creating virtual devices


    1. Platforms and Components
    2. Android studio Emulator


    Chapter 4: The Android Project

    1. Structure of an Android project


    1. Src Folder


    1. Gen Folder


    1. Res Folder


    1. Android Manifest
    2. Gradle File


    Chapter 5: The Android Activity

    1. Activity Lifecycle


    1. Getting and Updating Views


    1. Responding to View Events
    2. Creating and Launching Activities
    3. Toast
    4. Log in Android


    Chapter 6: Android UI

    1. Understanding the Components of a Screen



    1. Layout Files


    1. Types of Layouts
    2. Adapting to Display Orientation
    3. Defining and using styles


    Chapter 7: Intro to Xml

    1. Understanding the Xml Tags



    1. Xml Elements


    1. Xml attributes


    Chapter 8: Linking Activities Using Intents

    1. Understanding the Intent Object


    1. Using Intent Filters


    1. Resolving Intent Filter Collision


    1. Calling Built-In Applications Using Intents


    1. Returning Results from an Intent


    1. Passing Data Using an Intent Object


    1. Splash Screen


    Chapter 9: Messaging

    1. Sending SMS Messages Programmatically
    2. Sending SMS Messages Using Intent
    3. Receiving SMS Message
    4. Caveats and Warnings
    5. Sending E-mail
    6. Making Calls


    Chapter 10: Dialogs

    1. Dialog Management


    1. Creating an Alert Dialog
    2. Creating a Progress Dialog


    1. Creating a Custom Dialog


    Chapter 11: Menus and Action Bar

    1. Type of Menus


    1. Creating an Options Menu


    1. Creating a Context Menu


    1. Creating a popup Menu


    1. Hiding the Action bar


    1. Displaying menu items in the action bar


    1. Managing the action bar and menus at runtime


    1. Customizing the Action Items and Application Icon


    Chapter 12: List Views

    1. ListView View
    2. Adapters
    3. Custom ListView
    4. RecycleView


    Chapter 13: GridView

    1. Simple GridView
    2. Custom gridView


    Chapter 14: Notifications

    1. Working with Local notifications
    2. Notification Manager

    Android level (2)

    Chapter 1: Shared preferences

    1. Accessing Preferences Using an Activity
    2. Programmatically Retrieving and Modifying the Preferences Values


    Chapter 2: Databases

    1. Creating the DBAdapter Helper Class
    2. Using the Database Programmatically
    3. Pre-Creating the Database


    Chapter 3: Make Tasks in Background

    1. AsyncTask Class
    2. Network Permission
    3. What is Json
    4. Dealing with Google Api’s


    Chapter 4: Content providers

    1. Content providers overview
    2. Using existing Android content providers
    3. Creating Your Own Content Providers
    4. Using custom made content providers


    Chapter 5: Broadcast receiver

    1. Life cycle of a broadcast receiver
    2. Restrictions for defining broadcast receiver
    3. Automatically starting Services from a Receivers
    4. Pending Intent
    5. Registering broadcast receiver


    Chapter 6: Advanced Topics


    Google Maps APIs

    • Load Google Map
    • Show current user location
    • Show address on click on the map
    • Get and draw shortest path of two locations
    • Get and Pin the nearest restaurant, school…

    Runtime Permission and GPS

    • what is runtime permission
    • how to request runtime permission
    • Access user location


    • push notifications
    • live database
    • Authentication

    Some Other APIs       

    • YoutubePlayer API

    Facebook SDK

    • Add Facebook sdk
    • setup new application on facebook
    • Get application hash key
    • Add option login with facebook

    Publish on Google Play

    • Generate signed APK
    • Publish to market


    Chapter 7: Looking at some of advanced Android applications of examples and projects

    Chapter 6: Services

    1. Services overview
    2. Service life cycle
    3. Starting a service
    4. Binding a service


    Chapter 7: Location-Based Services Fundamentals

    1. Displaying Maps
    2. Maps API Key
    3. Zoom Control
    4. Changing Views
    5. Navigating to a Specific Location
    6. Adding Markers
    7. Current Location
    8. Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding


    Chapter 8: Publishing Android Applications

    1. Versioning
    2. Digitally Signing
    3. Deploying APK Files
    4. Using the adb.exe Tool
    5. Using a Web Server
    6. Publishing on the Android Market